Case Study:
Labyrinth with SmartStone & Corobrik Pavers

The Path at St Martin’s in-the-Veld is the installation of the Santa Rosa Labyrinth featuring SmartStone and Corobrik Pavers

  • Client: St Martin’s in-the-Veld, Sandton Johannesburg

  • Project Type: Labyrinth

  • Featuring: SmartStone & Corobrik Pavers

About Labyrinth Paving

The Path at St Martin’s in-the-Veld is the installation of the Santa Rosa Labyrinth in celebration of the centenary of this church in Sandton, Johannesburg.  This is a neo-medieval four-quadrant, seven-circuit design that we built with SmartStone cast stone pavers and Corobrik pavers. This Path is an acknowledgement of the one hundred years of St Martin’s – and a legacy project for the next one hundred years.

SmartStone and Corobrik Pavers for the Labyrinth
Circular Labyrinth Paving with SmartStone and Corobrik Pavers
SmartStone and Corobrik Pavers

SmartStone and Corobrik Pavers

SmartStone Paduan Pavers (255 x 55 x 50 mm) in the colour Charcoal, were selected for the labyrinth path. Additionally, SmartStone Highveld cobble pavers (105 x 150 x 50 mm) in the colour Sandstone were laid for the borders – the ‘maze’ for the labyrinth is a single path of paving stones.  The outer margin of the path was set on a concrete beam, for which SmartStone Huguenot cobbles (150 x 150 x 50 mm) in the colour Charcoal, were chosen. The work was completed by SA Paving.

Labyrinth Paving Design

There is a bench at the entrance and a central seat built from Sandstone paving blocks incorporating low wattage down lights to illuminate the labyrinth throughout the night. The seat faces the cross atop the steeple so that one can reflect and enjoy the beauty of the gardens.

A granite plinth is installed engraved with the memorial plaque and donors of Labryses.

Another labyrinth was completed at the St Benedict’s Retreat comprising Corobrik Clay pavers (220 x 110 x 55 mm) in the colour Namaqua for the pathway and Ironstone for the borders.

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